Mitr Phol Group Sustainability

Stakeholders: Shareholders/ Customer and Consumers/ Government and Civil Society Sectors

Mitr Phol recognizes the crucial role of preserving biodiversity in delivering comprehensive ecosystem services. Biodiversity enhances soil fertility, ensures adequate water resources, and mitigates the severity of natural disasters. These factors are vital to Mitr Phol’s business operations across the entire value chain and maintaining a healthy environment.

Therefore, the Company has systematically implemented proactive management strategies, committed to achieving no net loss (NNL) of biodiversity, and promoted new projects to deliver a net positive impact (NPI) on biodiversity. The Company conducts its business with a commitment to no net deforestation (NND). It assesses biodiversity risks throughout the value chain and identifies appropriate measures for prevention, avoidance, and mitigation of impacts.

2023 Target and Performance

The Biodiversity Loss within the Company’s operational scope
Achieve No Net Loss (NNL) of biodiversity within the Company’s operational scope by 2030  
Achieved No Net Loss (NNL) of biodiversity within the Company’s operational scope
Ratio of green space inside the factory area
Not less than 5% of the factory area
14% of the factory area

Management Approach

Biodiversity Risk Management

Mitr Phol has adopted the World Wildlife Fund’s biodiversity risk assessment guidelines to identify and assess biodiversity risks associated with its operations across the value chain. This approach allows the Company to identify high-risk industries and areas and implement appropriate mitigation measures.

Biodiversity Risk Management

Application of
the Mitigation Hierarchy


Plan and manage factory and operational areas to ensure responsible processes, particularly in biodiversity-sensitive areas. This includes the issuance of safety, security, occupational health, and environmental protection policies, which establish oversight and control of business activities to preserve biodiversity and ecosystem richness.


improve business operations under the ‘From Waste to Value Creation’ concept, which focuses on adding value to waste by transforming residues from the sugar production process into materials for various industries, alternative energy sources, and new business opportunities. For example, bagasse is used as a fuel for biomass power generation, producing electricity for internal business operations and for sale to external parties. Molasse is fermented with yeast to produce ethanol. Vinasse, a byproduct of ethanol production, is combined with filter cake, a byproduct of sugar production, to create biofertilizer for use in sugarcane plantations. This helps reduce the impact on the ecosystem by capitalizing on waste recycling.


Continuous ecosystem development and maintenance through the forest restoration project in cooperation with various stakeholders. The aim is to plant 2.2 million trees over a 10-year period (2022-2032). This includes biodiversity conservation projects in community forests and FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) rubber plantations under Mitr Phol’s wood substitute material business.

Regenerate and Transform

Promote the ‘Mitr Phol ModernFarm,’ a sustainable modern farming method for sugarcane farmers. This involves the utilization of modern agricultural machinery and technology, soil conservation with various methods such as crop rotation with legumes, green cane trash blanketing, and efficient water management. These methods help increase farm management efficiency and reduce the use of resources, such as raw materials, equipment, and labor, leading to lower costs per rai and promoting eco-friendly farming practices.

Biodiversity Conservation Activities

Mitr Phol Reforestation Project

Mitr Phol Group’s reforestation project is one of the approaches to achieving its goal of becoming a Carbon-Neutral organization by 2030 and reaching Net Zero emissions by 2050. Over a 10-year period (2022-2032), the Company plans to plant 2.2 million trees, supported by a dedicated budget of 100 million baht. From 2022 to 2023, Mitr Phol has carried out the following activities:

Number of trees planted

657,763 trees
comprising 403,563 trees planted by the Company and 254,200 trees planted by third parties

Reforestation area

2,116 rai

Number of farmers joining the project

6,055 farmers

Operating budget

17.24 million baht

The Company truly hopes that Mitr Phol Group’s reforestation project will create long-term positive changes for society and the environment, enabling farmers to apply for carbon credit certification to generate additional income. It is also expected to foster positive attitudes and motivation among farmers, encouraging them to change their behaviors to sustainably care for society and the environment in the future.

Biodiversity Conservation Projects in Collaboration with Suppliers

Panel Plus Co., Ltd. has carried out biodiversity conservation projects in community forest areas, including Ban Thung Hua Mueang Community Forest, Ban Ton Sai Community Forest, and Ban Chong Khao Community Forest, as well as in FSC-certified (Forest Stewardship Council) rubber plantations.

The total protected area covers 2,497 rai, and the project monitors community forests every 5 years and FSC-certified rubber plantations every 3 years.

Thung Hua Mueang Community Forest
Tha Pradu, Na Thawi, Songkhla

Area : 1,065 rai

2023 Performance

  1. Collectively manage forests, focusing on community engagement by installing signboards to identify community forests, display common practices, and mark forest boundaries; conducting flora and fauna surveys; patrolling forest areas; and studying methods to eliminate invasive plants.
  2. Develop forest trails by installing tree tags and building toilets in the areas.
  3. Develop forests as eco-tourist attractions by opening spaces for young people to learn and involving them in cleaning the areas and installing lighting.
  4. Develop the forest as a food source for the community through forest management training, fish stocking, and installing signboards with guidelines on the responsible collection of forest products.

Ban Ton Sai Community Forest
Tha Plak Nu, Na Thawi, Songkhla

Area : 1,033 rai

2023 Performance

  1. Collectively manage forests focusing on community engagement by installing signboards to identify community forests, display common practices, and mark forest boundaries; conducting flora and fauna surveys; holding a tree ordination ceremony; and patrolling forest areas.

  2. Develop forest trails and viewpoints.

  3. Manage forests to increase natural yields and reduce expenses through training on the sustainable use of community forests and creating signboards to recommend attractions in the areas.

Ban Chong Khao Community Forest
Rattaphum, Songkhla

Area : 399 rai

2023 Performance

  1. Collectively manage forests, focusing on community engagement by installing signboards to identify community forests, display common practices, and mark forest boundaries; conducting flora and fauna surveys; and providing training on community forest management.

  2. Develop forests and strengthen communities according to the sufficiency economy principle by holding a tree ordination ceremony, installing lighting, and improving the landscape around the spirit house.

  3. Manage forests to increase natural yields, reduce expenses, and increase household income through community forest management/utilization and bat guano management.

Related Document

Biodiversity Management Statement

Biodiversity Risk Assessment 2024