Mitr Phol Group Sustainability

Mitr Phol’s business operations adhere to the “Grow Together” sustainability philosophy, encompassing environmental, social, and governance dimensions. The Board of Directors approved and announced the Sustainable Development Policy, which is annually reviewed for its clarity, currentness, and alignment with international sustainability principles and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, ensuring all businesses put them into practice.

Sustainable Development Framework

Information on Environment

To Support a Thriving Environment


Sustainable Communities


Transparent and Collaborative Corporate

Sustainable Development Policy

Information on Environment

  • Commit to achieving Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions across the entire Mitr Phol Group value chain by 2050.
  • Promote the generation, consumption, and accessibility of renewable energy within the organization to mitigate the impacts of climate change.
  • Commit to integrated water resource management to optimize water use in agriculture and manufacturing and prioritize implementing wastewater treatment processes to ensure water is reusable or safe for discharge into natural water sources.
  • Focus on environmentally friendly production and consumption management, including efficient use of natural resources through innovative operations under the “From Waste to Value” concept. This includes implementing efficient waste management processes to minimize environmental and biodiversity impacts.
  • Commit to promoting and enhancing biodiversity through planting, protecting, reducing, restoring, and conserving forests and modern farming.

  • Social

  • Promote food security for farmers to support sustainable livelihoods.
  • Improve the quality of education to promote social equity through various Mitr Phol initiatives.
  • Create jobs, opportunities, and valuable income for local people and communities.
  • Respect human rights, enhance knowledge and skills, and ensure fair and equal treatment of employees.

  • Governance

  • Emphasize risk management, good corporate governance, and strict legal compliance in all dimensions to ensure transparent business operations.
  • Commit to promoting and serving as a key mechanism for driving cooperation among the private sector, government, and civil society to achieve national goals and policies for community, social, and national development, with a focus on social equity.

  • Sustainability Management Structure

    Mitr Phol has established a sustainability management structure, and the Board of Directors has appointed a Sustainability Committee to oversee sustainable development operations. The Sustainability Committee meets quarterly and has the following roles and responsibilities:

    1. Establish policies, goals, and strategies and consider risks and opportunities across environmental, social, and governance dimensions to ensure proper alignment with business goals and strategies, laws, international best practices, and national and global sustainability trends.
    2. Consider, support, and review operational guidelines, including providing feedback on integrating environmental, social, and governance into business processes and objectives.
    3. Promote, advise, and support the implementation of environmental, social, and governance strategies across the organization and ensure continuous development.

    The Corporate Sustainability Department, under the Corporate Sustainability Division, is responsible for promoting, supporting, and collaborating with other departments across Mitr Phol’s businesses. Its aim is to align operations with the guidelines set by the Board of Directors to achieve goals and meet the needs of all stakeholders.

    Identifying Material Sustainability Issues

    Mitr Phol annually assesses material sustainability issues using the double materiality principle. It considers the likelihood and severity of impacts on the economy, society, the environment, and human rights arising from Mitr Phol’s business activities and relationships, considering current and future impacts. The assessment includes both

    the outside-in perspective, which considers the impacts on the Company, such as impacts on the image, reputation, market positioning, and value creation, and the inside-out perspective, which focuses on the impact on external stakeholders. Once collected and prioritized, Mitr Phol’s material sustainability issues are considered and compared against the GRI Standards: Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Fishing Sectors 2022, as well as the Company’s material sustainability issues from 2022. The materiality assessment process engages stakeholders, including shareholders, farmers, communities, suppliers, customers and consumers, employees, and the government and civil society sectors, by seeking input through questionnaires, interviews, and secondary data analysis. Their opinions are then ranked and used to develop operational guidelines that appropriately address stakeholder needs.

    Material Sustainability Issues

    a. Corporate Governance and Risk Management
    b. Digitalization and Technology
    c. Supply Chain Management
    d. Innovation
    e. Climate Strategy
    f. Water and Wastewater Management
    h. Circular Economy
    i. Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
    j. Human Capital Development
    k. Labor Practices and Human Rights
    l. Employee Management and Retention
    m. Occupational Health, Safety,
    and Work Environment Management
    r. Biodiversity
    s. Customer Relations

    Disclosure of Material Sustainability Issues

    Sustainability Issue<br>and Impact Level
    Issues Disclosed in This Report
    Sustainable Development Goals
    a. Corporate Governance and Risk Management
  • Corporate Governance & Business Ethics
  • Risk Management
  • b. Digitalization and Technology
  • Information and Data Security
  • c. Supply Chain Management
  • Supply Chain Management
  • d. Innovation
  • Farm and On-Farm Water Management
  • e. Climate Strategy
  • Climate Change Management
  • Energy Management
  • Farm and On-Farm Water Management
  • f. Water and Wastewater Management
  • Environmental Management
  • Farm and On-Farm Water Management
  • h. Circular Economy
  • Environmental Management
  • Food Loss and Food Waste Management
  • Packaging
  • i. Corporate Citizenship and Philanthropy
  • Society and Community
  • j. Human Capital Development
  • Employee Management
  • k. Labor Practices and Human Rights
  • Human Rights
  • l. Employee Management and Retention
  • Employee Management
  • m. Occupational Health, Safety, and Work Environment Management
  • Management of Security, Safety, Occupational Health and Work Environment
  • r. Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity Management
  • s. Customer Relations
  • Customers & Consumers
  • Supporting the Operations and Being a Member of Organizations

    Mitr Phol places great importance on building networks and establishing key partnerships for sustainable development to foster collaboration between organizations in driving national development. The Company ensures that its partners’ operations align with Mitr Phol’s sustainability policies, aiming to achieve business goals while maximizing benefits for all stakeholders.

    The Company has become a member of organizations or agencies related to sustainable development, in alignment with Mitr Phol’s business strategy, with two important objectives:

    1. To develop the sugarcane, sugar, and bio-energy industries in Thailand, the Company collaborates with trade associations, government agencies, sugarcane farmers, and the private sector to regulate these industries, ensuring both supply and price stability. It emphasizes maintaining a fair benefit-sharing system between sugarcane farmers and sugar mills, exploring opportunities in biomass power and ethanol businesses, and ensuring job security for sugarcane farmers. As a result, the Company benefits from a stable supply chain. In 2023, Mitr Phol contributed a total of 11.34 million baht, accounting for 64.99% of the total grant budget.
    2. To drive Thailand’s sustainable development, Mitr Phol has joined various associations and institutions and appointed representatives to serve as committee members. This involvement aims to promote Thailand’s development across economic, social, and environmental dimensions, including respect for human rights and climate action. The Company has also participated in various projects supporting Thailand’s GHG reduction targets. This aligns with Mitr Phol’s business philosophy of “Grow Together,” which emphasizes creating business growth alongside community and environmental development and driving the achievement of the Company’s net-zero goal. In 2023, Mitr Phol contributed a total of 6.11 million baht, accounting for 35.01% of the total grant budget.