Mitr Phol Group Sustainability

Key Stakeholders: Shareholders/ Suppliers/ Customers and Consumers/ Employees/ Government and Civil Society Sectors

Mitr Phol is concerned and cares for the safety, occupational health, and work environment of its employees, farmers, contractors, and individuals working in its operating areas. Hence, the Company oversees the implementation of policies and related measures to ensure their safety. Mitr Phol is well aware that good occupational health and a safe environment enable employees, farmers, and stakeholders to operate effectively, enhancing workplace efficiency while reducing accidents, lost time injuries, serious incidents, complaints, and medical expenses for both the Company and its stakeholders.

Therefore, Mitr Phol prioritizes the management of security, safety, occupational health, and work environment, with the goal of achieving zero accidents by 2023. This challenging goal prompts the entire Mitr Phol Group to develop a corporate strategy that involves employees, farmers, contractors, and stakeholders in preventing loss of life and property damage.

2023 Target and Performance

Number of Sugar mills and biomass power plants that certified ISO 45001
12 sites
12 sites
Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR) for employees and contractors
< 0.25 person/ 1 million hours worked
0.95 person/ 1 million hours worked

Management Approach

Mitr Phol prioritizes cultivating an occupational health and safety culture. Certified with the ISO 45001:2018 standards, Mitr Phol’s operations align with the requirements to implement policies on security, safety, occupational health, and work environment endorsed by the Chairman of the Board, along with risk management practices related to occupational health and safety. These policies and practices are communicated to employees and relevant stakeholders. Mitr Phol has established a clearly defined and proper governance and management structure, with dedicated occupational health, safety, and environmental units at both the corporate and factory levels. These units are responsible for driving safety promotion operations for employees and related parties.

The Company has also established a process to identify hazards, assess risks, and investigate incidents in order to identify risks and opportunities across work processes, activities, and work-related areas, products and services, as well as significant contractors’ operations, including normal and abnormal situations and emergencies. Based on these results, the Company formulates a risk management and mitigation plan to keep all significant risks within acceptable levels, including potential changes. In addition, the Company appoints responsible persons to periodically drive and monitor the plan, and the results will be used to further improve its occupational health, safety, and environmental management system.

To ensure current results, hazard identification and risk assessment are reviewed and updated annually, or whenever there are significant changes in raw materials, production processes, activities, machinery and equipment, or personnel. This must comply with Mitr Phol’s Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Standard (MP-QP-8002-017). If employees or supervisors find that the assigned activities or tasks pose a risk or may cause harm, injury, or death, they are entitled to refuse to perform the work and/or immediately halt the action. They must also notify relevant parties to take corrective action immediately based on Mitr Phol’s Safety, Occupational Health, and Work Environment Roles and Regulations Standard (MP-QP-8002-025). In case of incidents or non-compliance, there is a process for reporting, identifying causes, analyzing corrective and preventive measures, and monitoring the results to prevent recurrence as outlined in Mitr Phol’s Incident Management Standard (MP-QP-8002-019).

Cultivation of Health and Safety Culture

Mitr Phol places great importance on cultivating a safety culture and raising risk awareness within the organization. To this end, the Company has launched a wide range of projects, including communication, training, and setting indicators. In 2023, it carried out the following security, occupational health, safety, and environmental projects.

Establishment of Mitr Phol Training Center for Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment

In 2023, Mitr Phol established a training center for safety, occupational health, and environment. Qualified trainers were selected for the center based on the requirements of each course. The trainers were properly registered according to the regulations, allowing them to issue certificates upon completion of training. The establishment of this training center has equipped employees with the knowledge and understanding necessary to comply with occupational safety laws, which helps reduce the risk of workplace incidents and accidents. In addition, Mitr Phol indirectly benefits from cost savings in organizing training as the center offers over 15 programs, including Safety Training for First-line Managers, the Occupational Safety, Health, and Environment Commission program, Safe Forklift Driving, Chemical-Related Operations Safety Training, and Safety Training for Permit Issuers, Supervisors, Assistants, and Confined Space Workers.

Safety Culture Survey

Mitr Phol realizes that building sustainable safety is like building a house: a strong foundation is essential to support the house structure. Similarly, cultivating a sustainable safety culture across all business units provides the solid foundation necessary for safety. Hence, the Company conducted its first Safety Culture Survey in 2023 to assess behaviors and attitudes toward workplace safety, as well as employee perceptions of safety culture promotion within each business unit.

The Company conducted a survey in 2023 to assess the safety fundamentals of employees and executives at all levels, beginning with the ethanol and wood substitute materials businesses. In 2024, this survey will be extended to the sugar and energy businesses. One of the challenges in conducting these surveys is maintaining anonymity to obtain the most accurate data possible. This process requires the cooperation and trust of all staff members to gather complete and reliable data. Mitr Phol will use the survey results to enhance the safety culture across all business units, aiming to reduce workplace accidents, injuries, and work-related illnesses, and to foster a robust safety culture throughout the Mitr Phol Group.

Conducting a Safety Culture Survey

Activities Promoting Inclusive Healthy Living in the Workplace

Mitr Phol recognizes that employees' health is vital to the productivity and advancement of both the organization and society. Therefore, the Company supports and promotes inclusive healthy living in the workplace through holistic health tools, aiming to develop the workplace into a happy workplace model. The Company also builds and promotes networks to enhance well-being in the workplace and encourages policy proposals for inclusive healthy living. In 2023, the Company organized the following activities:

The 3 Stations for Good Health

This activity by Mitr Phol in collaboration with CGS Hospital aimed to raise awareness and suggest prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) through games, exercise, and health record-keeping, etc.

The Caring Tai Phu Khiao, Keeping Depression at Bay

This activity involved creating materials about depression and encouraging employees to take depression screening tests. Additionally, private counseling services with specialist doctors were provided for employees who are likely to have depression.

Lecture on Health Care

such as a lecture on "Understanding Depression Before It Strikes" by Sittikorn, M.D.

The Lose Belly, Get Fit, Gain Health

The activity invited employees with a BMI above the standard to participate in a competition to achieve a healthy BMI. The program included health education, recording health data before starting, daily exercise tracking, and monthly submissions of waist circumference, weight, blood pressure, and BMI records.

Healthy Body, Happy Heart with Healthy and Safe Workplace Activity

Mitr Phol has adopted the approach of the "Healthy Body, Happy Heart with Healthy and Safe Workplace" initiative, and the management has established health, safety, and environmental promotion policies, including the prevention of illnesses and injuries, and maintaining a healthy environment. These policies are communicated to all employees, and a working committee has been established to encourage engagement and collaboration between employees and the organization. 

In addition, the Company conducted the assessment of situations and survey of workers’ needs and desired activities. The results are prioritized and developed into action plans with activities designed to engage employees. The Company also monitors and evaluates the outcomes of these activities to make improvements or expand their impact in the future.

Key Performance

Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR)

Total Recordable Work-related Injuries (TRIR)

Related Policy and Statements

Security, Safety, Occupational Health, and Environment Policy